Welcome to the first ever
comprehensive Neurology Anki Deck for Residency!
This deck is designed to comprehensively cover a wide array of topics, specifically tailored to prepare you for the RITE Exams and, ultimately, the Neurology Board Exam.
It focuses on subjects that benefit from repeated review, such as genetics, pathology, neuroimaging, and more.
While Anki decks already exist for various medical specialties, it's time to bring one to Neurology!
Why NeurAnki?
Spaced Repetition is a proven effective method of learning- and it's backed by science!
Passive reading can be tough, especially after a long day at work during residency.
On the other hand, you can learn a card just walking from one part of the hospital to another!
It's tech savvy and it is the next big thing. Why not use it to cram those genes, drugs, and syndromes?
Meet the Team!
Meet the Team! -
We are a group of Neurology Enthusiasts:
Including medical students, national and international medical graduates, interns, and residents.
We have worked tirelessly over the last few months to bring this deck to you.
We hope our efforts will prove to be useful!
Idha Sood, MD
Founder of the NeurAnki Project
This project wouldn’t have been possible without our many volunteers and faculty advisors.
Thank you!